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I... i may have found an exploit. I beat the game by just building 4 farms around my town hall, then just spammed fields, since they take a short amount of time to build, give 1 prosperity and 1 population, and can stop ANY unit, even dragons. Definetly nerf this. But still, a very well done game! Needs a bit of tweaking tho.

i first attempted this game and i won with the dragon summoning only once at a very high amount of days, on the second run i got jumped by endless swarms and 7 dragons. rng gods are quite silly.

Very nice game I enjoyed it.
I would expand the concept. Having some kind of production going on so you have a reason to keep the fields going..

Loved the game ✨
Maybe a tad bit too difficult xD
But nonetheless, for a jam game, wonderful execution, it works and it's fun !


I barely used any of the buildings in the timespan allowed. Just constantly made soldiers and walls to survive and didn't get to explore any other options...


Same it's too difficult. If you want your game to be super challenging that's fine but imo you should put difficulty options. It just makes no sense to me that I can't even choose where to move the soldiers while the buildings are being built



mostly only frustrating because otherwise the game is really neat

Great game! 

It's unfortunate that it only lasts for a short time. Would like to continue playing.


Very difficult, but interesting strategy game. Well done.

awesome game only just won

Buenas! no soy muy fan de la estrategia! pero el juego parece entretenido! pero como han dicho compañeros abajo creo que le falta informacion, tambien estoy confundido y no se que edificios hacer, la verdad que andaba muy perdido y molaria una musiquita de fondo. Gracias por tu trabajo.

Super cute strategy game!! THough, I'm still confused how to use any buildings aside of walls and barracs

Muy entretenido!
Me lo guardo por si lo continuas, este genero me encanta!

very nice game, I loved the mechanics 

Perfect strategy game!

This game is so cool ! I love it ! 
Its cute and fun ! :D